Thursday, October 28, 2004

The "War" in Iraq

I had some strange ideas about the war in Iraq today. Saddam believed the 1st President Bush did not take Baghdad because he was afraid Iraq would use their WMD, if backed into a corner. Saddam got rid of the WMD to get the sanctions lifted, but he wanted us to believe he still had some hidden away somewhere, so that we would always fear to take him out. Maybe the the 2nd President Bush actually had really good evidence that Iraq had no WMD, except some stores that could not be easily mobilized into action, so that there was no great danger, they could be used if we attacked.

So why did Bush attack Iraq, knowing there were no WMD? Think about a dog that has just been kicked, he will bite whatever is nearest to him. This is George Bush after 9-11, 2001. He wanted to attack somebody. Afganistan was too easy. Saddam chortled about 9-11 instead of sending his regrets. George II always regreted George I did not take out Saddam when he had the chance. George II saw the chance and knew the risk was low, so he went for it. Of course, he never expected the aftermath. He thought it would be easy. This is why he is a fool and should not be the President of the USA.

I cannot quite grasp why anyone calls what is happening in Iraq now "war". War should be defined as conflict between nations and Iraq, as a nation, has already been defeated. If we left there now, there would be no threat to us. If they choose the kill each other after we leave, it seems to me that this is their problem and not ours, as long as they are not threatening us. We are doing them a favor by staying, but I have not heard about anyone there thanking us. A lot of Americans are dying for nothing.


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