Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Nearly as Good as Being There?

Candor Chasma, Part of the Vast Valles Marineris Trough System

This picture from MSS Mars Orbiter camera is quite astounding. They have achieved 1 meter per pixel resolution, using a new method called "the cPROTO technique". The quality is so good it almost seems as good as being there. We can only hope they will image some of the anomalous, possibly artificial structures on Mars with this technique. It might answer some questions, but most likely it will just raise more questions. MSS has been very reluctant to spend time imaging the areas with potentially artificial structures because they believe the whole idea is absurd. This has led to cries of conspiracy at JPL and MSS, something which seems unlikely to me. I think these people are just stubborn, short-sighted, and focused on other aspects of Mars that they find more interesting. Posted by Hello
