Monday, March 28, 2005

Tyrannosaurus rex - Coming Soon to a Grocery Store near You?

According to this article: Blood vessels recovered from T. Rex bone, soft tissue has been recovered from T. Rex. bones 68 million years old. Could we also recover DNA from these fossils? Probably not; DNA appears to be much less stable than the proteins preserved in this T. Rex bone, so don't expect cloned dinosaurs in your grocery store any time soon.


Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about Meteorite Impacts

This website: Impact Effects, lets you calculate all the potential effects of the impact of a meteorite or comet on Earth. This will allow you to make the proper plans in the case a large meteor is projected to impact the earth in the near future, so bookmark the site. You never know when the next large meteor might strike the Earth.


Monday, March 21, 2005

Breakthrough in Solar Power Nanotech?

This article discusses a possible breakthrough in solar power using nanotechnology. A company claims they will be able to deliver electricity using solar cells at 5 cents per kilowatt/hour. This is half the current average price for electricity of 10 cents per kilowatt/hour- obviously making solar power competitive with fossil fuels. What has held solar power back up to now is the high cost- about 20 cents per kilowatt/hour for conventional solar cell technology. It is not clear if the claims are legitimate, but if they are we could be looking at the dawn of a new day. With the price of oil rising, even conventional solar cells may quickly become competitive with fossil fuels, especially with some minor improvements and the benefits of mass production.


Thursday, March 17, 2005

Spaceport near Van Horn, Texas?

Jeff Bezos, the founder of has started a new company called "Blue Origin". Its purpose is to establish commercial spaceflight. Recently Jeff puchased several ranches near Van Horn in West Texas covering about 165,000 acres where apparently Blue Origin will start building and testing rockets. More information on this can be found at this website.

I find this pretty exciting. It sounds like something from some of the science fiction books that I have read. I will be watching to see how all of this develops.


Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Posted by Hello
I discovered a great website today. Check out this: Church Sign Generator. An example sign is show above.
