Thursday, May 12, 2005

Iapetus Close-up Posted by Hello

More on Iapetus can be found here.


Another Sphere Posted by Hello

More on the spheres can be found here.


More Spheres Posted by Hello


Saturn's moon, Iapetus Posted by Hello


Wednesday, May 11, 2005

2.8 Billion year old artifact? Posted by Hello

This strange sphere was found with hundreds of similar ones by South African miners. They claim the spheres were found in Precambrian sedimentary rock which is 2.8 billion years old. The conventional explanation is that they are some kind of concretion, but they are apparently harder than iron. The three parallel lines around the center are hard to explain by natural processes. Also, these objects appear to be more spherical than most normal concretions.

In what may be a random connection, the spere with the rings brings to mind Saturn's moon Iapetus which has a very unusual equatorial ridge with a similar appearance. More on the spheres can be found here.


Thursday, May 05, 2005

13 things that do not make sense

This is a great article that I would recommend everyone interested in science read.


Lost asteroid clue to Pioneer puzzle

This article; "Lost asteroid clue to Pioneer puzzle" talks about what has become known as the "Pioneer Anomaly". The Pioneer spacecraft is about 400,000 miles off from the course that would be expected, based on known forces.

I have been following this story for a long time now, so I will be very interested to see what happens if they are able to study asteroids in the outer Solar System to see if they seem to be acting like the Pioneer spacecraft.
