Was the 2004 Election Rigged?
This report shows some strong scientific evidence that Bush was not elected president in November 2004. It argues that the discrepancies between exit polls and official vote counts in many areas cannot be explained by chance or the theory that Democrats were more likely to talk to the people taking exit polls. If you believe this analysis it means that Kerry won and Bush stole the election.
I am not sure what to think about this. I don't really want to believe that the Republicans would stoop this low, but then perhaps we should have learned something from Nixon and Watergate. Also it is likely that voting fraud in Illinois won the 1960 election for John F. Kennedy and the knowledge of this is what drove Nixon to play his Watergate games.
Perhaps in the future all elections will be decided by which side has the best hackers working for them, especially as we move toward more and more electronic voting.
Perhaps the only way to win otherwise is to have such a large margin of victory that altering the results would be totally apparent to everyone. Well, however you look at politics is a dirty game. That is something that makes me sad, because I really do believe in democracy and think it is the best system we have yet devised for governing ourselves.