Low Cost Fusion Reactor
Some researchers at Purdue University seem to have produced a low cost fusion reaction, as detailed in this report.
It is something completely different than cold fusion, but nevertheless very unusual. They use ultrasound, a neutron source, and heavy water to produce fusion reactions within collapsing bubbles caused by the ultrasound. There seems to be only one thing to say about this- far out man!
Well, who knows if this will turn into something real, or fade away like the cold fusion idea which actually has had somewhat of a revival lately. Meanwhile billions of dollars are still being spent trying to create fusion at ultra-high temperatures and pressures using "magnetic bottles" to contain the reaction. Last I heard they were nearing the point of getting as much energy out, as they were putting in. This conventional approach to making fusion reactors has been hard at it for decades with very little progress. I kind of believe it might be a dead end.